Sunday, November 9, 2014

Flat Stanley Letters- West End Elementary Third Graders

Working with the third graders that came to Clemson University from West End Elementary was an incredible opportunity. It allowed me to practice becoming a teacher by explaining to these children how to write letters, checking for comprehension, and making the lesson exciting and relatable. 

These children were truly excited to be working with Flat Stanley. It was interesting because in the group that I was working with there was a girl who was mute. When asking the children to tell me their names and one place that Flat Stanley went during the play, the children proceeded to tell me that this girl did not talk. Her teacher told me her name. 

However, even though she did not talk, she listened attentively and actively participated in the lesson. However, after the lesson was over and I was talking with the children, she appeared to zone out. When asking her for her pen before the children left, I had to pat her arm several times for her to hear me. This was my first experience working with a child like this, but she succeeded in the lesson when treated like the typical child.

Additionally, I was happily surprised to hear many of the children say they wanted to attend Clemson University when they are older. It is amazing to see enthusiasm for higher education at such a young age. 

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